Panama city, fl airport how did they get the code ecp
Panama city, fl airport how did they get the code ecp

panama city, fl airport how did they get the code ecp

Col­lab­o­rate with Air­lines to install plex­i­glass shields to pro­vide dis­tanc­ing between pas­sen­gers and counter agents.inter­vals to main­tain social dis­tanc­ing in the checkpoint. Floor decals have been installed at 6 ft.Hand san­i­tiz­er units have been installed through­out the Terminal.Restroom and high touch areas in addi­tion to increase focus, will be dis­in­fect­ed nightly.Addi­tion­al Equip­ment and Cut­ting-Edge Clean­ing Products.Revised work sched­ules for best opti­miza­tion and real­lo­ca­tion of clean­ing effort.Addi­tion­al staffing to increase san­i­tiz­ing of high touch points.Increased Clean­ing Fre­quen­cy with Ded­i­cat­ed Clean­ing Crews.Safe and Clean Facil­i­ties for our Team and Travelers Safe and Clean Facil­i­ties for our Team and Travelers.To instill the high­est lev­el of con­fi­dence that ECP is the safest, clean­est, and most secure Air­port for our employ­ees and passengers. This doc­u­ment is a liv­ing doc­u­ment and will be revised as con­di­tions warrant. Visit the Sitemap to see a list of pages on the site.Īs Flori­da pre­pares to recov­er from the COVID- 19 pan­dem­ic, ECP Ready encap­su­lates the nec­es­sary steps that North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is tak­ing to be a leader of safe­ty, readi­ness, and eco­nom­ic recov­ery. This navigation menu requires JavaScript.

Panama city, fl airport how did they get the code ecp